I know I mentioned forever ago I would share a few pictures of my little projects. Well, they have been done for a while, but I am just now getting around to sharing. The first one was a table my mom bought for my little kitchen in Wilmore. It was actually quite cute in that place, but the bright red and white was not going to cut it in our historic place now. I am happy with the almond color (it is actually the same color we used for a lot of things in the wedding).
Before: After:
The bigger project was this desk. I found it when moving out of Asbury. Someone was selling it for $10, and while I knew it wasn't very lovely, it was a desk...and I needed one. Well, after a few coats of paint and some corkboard on the back, I think it looks pretty good. All that is left is to find the right hardware.
Well, what do you think?
wow - i'm totally impressed...can you come do my house next?
Beautiful, absolutly beautiful. I am inspired.
I want your desk. If I find a cheap desk that looks bad, will you fix it up for me?
I love how much paint can completely transform things! I have gotten so much passed down to me, or from goodwill and I paint it and do some funky designs and everyone wants to know where I got it! I love it. Beautiful job on both pieces!!
wow, thanks for all the sweet commets!
laloo - please, i've seen what you've done!
jennroogles - so sweet, and happy to see another blog reader :)
damon - of course, i'd love too!
mandy - isn't it great, i love working on new projects, you must post some of yours on your wonderful blog! i'd love to see them!
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