Hello there! Welcome to our blog! We've created this blog for *you* to get to know us a little better. Hope you enjoy the random thoughts and photographs. Please be sure to visit our website, www.cassidydawn.com. Don't be shy, let us know you are here...be sure to leave a comment every now and then! Enjoy your stay, hope you come back often!!!


love this.

I found this on Etsy (one of my favorite places to be online!) and love it! The poster was hung around England during WWII to remind people to keep calm in such a hectic time. I think it is a great reminder even today.
Plus, it is oh so stylish!

I plan to get a charcoal one to hang in our new place.


If you read my little ole' blog much you know that Justin & I our house sitting this summer. Well, this week we were able to get into our new place (for when we are done here) to see what we need to do and start moving things in. Our landlord put down all new carpet, so while Justin was vacuuming, I thought I would attack the kitchen. The kitchen has pink counter tops, and green walls...I know, right? Well, luckily he doesn't mind if we paint, actually he prefers it for that room :) So I had matched up a color that I thought would work with the cabinets and tone down the counters a bit. Then later I started to clean...I sprayed just a little bit of Clorox on the cabinets and was astonished at what I saw...needless to say, I need to pick a new color! I thought I would eventually need to repaint them, who knew that a little Clorox could do this! Here is a picture of our farmhouse...we really love it, I have so many plans for decorating :)
If you're bored, and slightly interested, you can see more photos at our picasa site (under 'the farmhouse'). Have a great day...mine will be full of cleaning supplies :)
*Oh, and two points for me...I just realized I have posted more this month than any other month! Yay!



We've got some fun news regarding the slideshows. I have had a requests to watch them online, so instead of having to search for them on the blog, we've made a site just for slideshows:
Also, each shoot has their own slideshow page. For instance, The Reed Family site is, www.reedfamily.cassidydawn.com, pretty cool, huh?!
I am working on getting the rest of them to be nice and clear...and big, but it may take a bit...but they'll get there!
There is a link on the side of the blog that will take you right to the page (just look for slideshows) or you can type in the address. I'll keep adding them when I've got them!

Have an amazing day and hope you enjoy the show!
*it may take a minute to load...you may want to press pause until it is finished loading.
**this size it a bit to big for the blog, so you may want to click on the link to see it fully!


reed family

As promised, here are a few of my favorite family shots from the Reed Family shoot.
We had amazing light toward the end of the shoot:Todd really liked this room and wanted a photograph of them in it. I absolutely love how it turned out. It is so great when my clients have ideas and want to capture places that are special to them!
These next two are some of my favorites of the entire shoot! Who says a family portrait needs to be stiff...I love these!!!
*yes, the pictures are growing, I am constantly figuring out ways to make them larger...so no worries, you aren't imagining it :)


too much cuteness!

Guess who's one???
Cash is!

So in honor of this, I've decided to show many, many photos for this post...well, partly for that reason, and partly because I also couldn't decide which ones to show...and truth be told, there are sooo many more! I absolutely loved this shoot, perfect day, perfect location, and an unbelievable family!
This shoot was to mark Cash's 1st birthday, take business photos for Todd, and a few family shots...well I think I went overboard on the last one...I couldn't stop! They are such a great family and I hope they can treasure these photographs for a very long time. Because of the overload of photos I want to share, I am spreading them out...today is Cash, tomorrow the family, and the next day I'll post the slideshow (and some exciting news about slideshows!) So keep coming back!

I love this image, so classic.

Um, this one too :)How cute is this shot of Cash & Jamie!Breanna (my cousin) is also a cousin to this amazing family! She spends so much time with these boys, it was only right to have her in some shots!
I've also decided that Bre should get an award from CDP:
Most Appeared on the Blog in a Single Year!
The best part...she's not done yet...I have another shoot with her tomorrow to celebrate an awesome accomplistment in her life! Keep an eye out for more of her! love this!
To the Reed Family, thank you so much for choosing me as your photographer to capture such a great time in your family's life, I am so grateful! I love that you treasure photographs as much as you do...you are a family after my own heart.
I can't wait for our fall shoot! I told you they were amazing...they want to do another shoot this fall!!! You know I love that!


a silver lining

It's strange how things work out sometimes...especially when you didn't see it coming.

Some of you may know that my twin sister, Whitney, moved away after she got married. Damon got a job in Indiana, and so they have moved 6 hours away. I was definitly not happy about the situation, but I had been prepared and knew it was coming...there was simply nothing I could do about it. So the weekend before we moved back to Ohio, I took my sister's little purple car six hours away so that she could start her new married life.
The next weekend Justin & I moved back to Ohio, and it was a glorious time (we had been waiting to offically do that for 5 years!) Kentucky is great, and the people are fabulous, but there is nothing like your home, and my heart is and will always be in Southern Ohio...trust me folks...it's better than we give it credit! We were back and enjoying life at home when more news hit. Apparently Indiana is the place to be because my older sister, Chelsea, announced she and her husband Matt would be moving, too. However there wasn't as much time for easing into this one for me. Matt was offered an amazing job and couldn't turn it down. He moves on Sunday (Chelsea will follow soon). I had about a month to adjust to the situation...but frankly, I was so excited to come home, and now my best friends are moving away. I mean come on...Indiana!
Anyway, today I found a silver lining. Besides the fact that I know they will be back (you will be coming back!), they really are still really close. I don't mean distance (I know to some that 6 hours & 3 hours isn't far...but give me a break...I just got back! It is going to be much harder for impromptu Chinese nights!). Today Justin and I were having a debate about another random conversation. To prove I was right (like always) I knew just who would know the answer. Whitney. So I called her up and my answer was confirmed...of course. So even though my sisters are leaving, I know that I can still find out the answer to my oh so random thoughts.
So thank you Whitney for knowing that 'Hanging with Mr. Cooper' took place in Oakland, CA, and and thank you in advance to Chelsea for answering my hypochondriac type questions.
I love you both and can't wait till you are home again.


there is a bug where???

You have to see this video! I was working on few things on my laptop and noticed a speck on my screen, so I tried to wipe it off...it didn't come off. Then it started to move! It was obviously a bug, not just some computer thing, but an actual bug in the screen. I had open an email and it was moving under the letters! I know this is hard to believe, so I took a video for those that need proof. I know from the video it just looks like a moving speck, but I promise, if you had seen it, you'd agree. I had a bug in my screen.


camping, part 2

Here are the other photos I promised from the weekend trip!

Our neighbors (this thing had a flat screen tv come out of the side...it was crazy!)Loved this shot of Maddie!Tate:
Heading down to the lake for Tate to cool off:
"Please Uncle Matt..."
Maddie was learning to ride her bike, and I love this set of photos of her progress! She was a pro by the time we left! Yum!

A good campfire is a must.
I am guess I should explain this next set of photos. Jerry & Lou Ann found these ridiculously comfortable chairs and I started taking photos of people in them, before long I had everyone! A few of us found ourselves sitting/laying for quite a while because we knew as soon as we would get up, someone else would get it! They were amazing!

Justin will soon have a recap of the weekend on our blog (for those that don't know, we have a personal blog for family & friends to keep up with the random things we do...Justin's in charge over there, one is enough for me :) *and don't feel bad if I hadn't told you about it...this is the first anyone has heard of it ;)
Our Blog.

And if you are really bored you can see all the images on our Picasa site (and no, these aren't photoshopped...sorry
Camping photos on Picasa


camping, part 1

I know I promised to post photos from our camping trip this past weekend, but the day took a turn, and my list of to-do's had to be pushed back till tonight. So this will be a two part post. I thought I would share my favorite nature shots tonight, then I promise to have others tomorrow. The camp site was beautiful and the light was amazing...here are just a few.


whitney & damon - slideshow

Just wanted to share a slideshow from Whitney & Damon's wedding. Enjoy!

Check back tomorrow for photos from our weekend camping!


off for the weekend!

We're going camping for the weekend and just wanted to share a photo from the farm. I have had a fascination lately for Queen Anne's Lace and I am doing a photo study on it, here is one of my favs so far.
Have a great weekend!


Silly Email.

If *any* of you out there have been expecting an email from me and haven't received it, or have sent one and haven't seen a reply, please let me know. I have a strong feeling that an email or two have been falling in a black hole on the way in or out of my inbox :)

So please, if you were expecting an email from me, or sent me one and I haven't replied...please, please let me know!

**Please send the email to: cassidy@cassidydawn.com - AND - hall.cassidy@gmail.com.
Or call 740.703.6495

Thanks so much!!! And just because I can't post something without a photo, here is one from the session I am currently proofing...what a c-u-t-i-e!!! More to come on this little guy soon :)


lindsay & brian

What an amazing shoot! Lindsay & Brian took me to Miami University to take their engagement photographs. Lindsay has just graduated and Brian will be soon, and I loved seeing their favorite spots and hearing about the campus.
I wanted to share a few more of my favorites and include a slideshow of the images - hope you enjoy it!

love this moment:

Miami has a beautiful archway and it is said that if you kiss under it at midnight, you will marry that person (or something like that). This is where Brian proposed to her...how sweet is that!!!
Lindsay & Brian, thank you soo much for such a fun shoot, I can't wait for the wedding next year!!!

*be sure to have your sound on :) sorry if it takes a while to load...be patient, i promise it's worth it!
(a tip is to pause it and let the bar fill up first, then play it; or let it play once with the sound off so it can load)


sneak peak: lindsay & brian

I just had to share a couple of my favorite images from a recent engagement shoot. More to come on that later, but I thought I'd share a sneak peak!


great internet find!

I was so excited when I stumbled on this site, I just had to share it with you all! Top Secret Recipes is a site with recipes of some of the yummy dishes at many popular restaurants! Sadly you do have to pay for the recipes, but to be honest, if you love the sweet potato chips at Cheeseburger and Paradise as much as I do...$0.79 is not bad!

Some of my favorite restaurants that they have are: Bonefish Grill, Buca Di Beppo, Cheeseburger in Paradise, Cheesecake Factory, Joe's Crab Shack, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, P.H. Changs, Red Lobster, Red Robin and Ruby Tuesday...these are just a few, there are tons more!


Swartz Farm

I decided early on that since Justin and I were so blessed to house sit such an amazing house, I would take advantage of what it could mean to me photographically. I've been shooting the land almost every night and I wanted to share a few of my favorites from the past few days. More will come, as I am shooting often, I just wanted to share a few on this beautiful day :)

love this one too:
we also get to visit 7 horses here on the farm, here is one of them and I *love* this photo of him!
**just a quick note about copyright. all the images posted on this blog are copyright protected, please don't save the images or print. if you are interested in a copy, just email me, i'd be happy to help! and that way it is all kosher :)

Blog Archive


Just a little about me:

My photo
Chillicothe / Columbus, Ohio, United States

For Information:

For information about pricing and availability please visit my website: cassidydawn.com or contact me via email: cassidy@cassidydawn.com

Thanks so much for your interest!



All images are Copyright of Cassidy Dawn Photography.

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