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Go Bucks!

(matt, this post is for you :)Saturday was my first time ever at an Ohio State Football game! Now, I have been to the stadium before...but only on the field for pictures :)
Justin, his parents & I went up to see a field goal exposition against Purdue...if you saw the game you know what I mean. It was an experience...and I learned a lot. For instance, just because it is chilly at home does not mean that it will be in the stands...so even if all you have is a long sleeve black Buckeye's shirt...you're better off finding something else. It was warm, but I had fun.
By far the best part was the halftime show...and I am not just saying that...I usually hate halftime shows (and yes I know who I am married to...but I still think it is the time to get more popcorn). The band was incredible, they really are The Best Darn Band in the Land (yes I am censoring...it's my blog!). I tried to find a video of the show online but couldn't (well here is one, but you have to listen to the girls and it is a bad angle: click here). The did a tribute to TV Land, and it was remarkable! Really, I was very impressed! My favorite was when they did Gilligan's Island and actually became a boat & an island with a palm tree, then their boat ran aground on the island...really, you just have to see it! Here are a few pictures from the day...The crew:It was a packed house!Ok, now, for the best part. Notice in this picture how the sun has just gone behind the stadium... Well, when we sat down I said that "I bet the sun will be down with 3 mins left in the game" (being sarcastic...praying it would be much sooner) Well...I was pretty darn close! Justin said he would give me a minute & a half either way...now look closely...4:29 - Score!It was a great day and I had a lot of fun! Thanks to Jerry & Lou Ann for taking us!


Anonymous October 14, 2008 at 5:56 PM  

It's an awesome thing to see, isn't it? My first time at an OSU game was spent standing with one knee on the field, shooting a game for the Gazette, talk about intense!

Cassidy Dawn October 16, 2008 at 4:18 PM  

Now that would be intimidating!

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Chillicothe / Columbus, Ohio, United States

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For information about pricing and availability please visit my website: cassidydawn.com or contact me via email: cassidy@cassidydawn.com

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