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my first apartment!

So it's official, I have my first real apartment! I picked up the key yesterday and have already been over there planning what goes where :) . The plan is for me to move in on Monday, and then Justin will move over in October after the wedding (he has his own apartment for now too). Anyway, last night we had a bunch of the guys from Justin's hall over for pizza before they all leave for the summer. It was a lot of fun, and even though we all had to sit on the floor and eat, Justin and I felt really good about our decision to have an apartment where it is, and hey, the price was right!
Here is a picture of everyone last night (sorry, I know you can't tell anything about the house, but we are all standing in front of an adorable fireplace...) :)


Anonymous May 11, 2007 at 10:17 PM  

Hey - where is this place? I want to come over and watch Project Runway and Alias!!!

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Just a little about me:

My photo
Chillicothe / Columbus, Ohio, United States

For Information:

For information about pricing and availability please visit my website: cassidydawn.com or contact me via email: cassidy@cassidydawn.com

Thanks so much for your interest!



All images are Copyright of Cassidy Dawn Photography.

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