Things are changing...
Welcome to my blog, yes, I joined the world of blogging, let me explain why:
I just discovered how many wonderful people have still been faithfully checking my website in hopes that I have updated the pictures, well for those of you that haven't been, no worries, because I haven't been updating, so sorry to those who have. My life, just like everyone, has been very busy lately and I have neglected to update. You may have also noticed that the title of my blog is not lightlime photography, this is also changing. I decided to change the business name from lightlime photography to Cassidy Dawn Photography, for many reasons really, but not interesting enough to list. Also, I thought that instead of having a website that I am rarely using, I would have a blog that is easier to update and communicate with others, this way clients and friends can see my most recent work, and I can better portray my business. My website ( will be gone at the end of December, this will be the only site I have on the internet. For those of you who are worried about getting to your proofs, until the end of December continue to do it the same way you have, and just stay tuned for info on about what to do after the New Year. Anyway, this is just an attempt and I promise to have a website up eventually, just waiting till I have the time to devote to it. Thank you all so much for your support, hope to hear from you all, please don't hesitate to email! Have a great day!
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